Wait, what?!? How can this be? He was so young, strong, and healthy. Ryan was busy working out his plans for the future.
After his death, I reeled into depression and despair. I started to lose hope. Could I learn how to live my life without my sweet Ryan?
I felt alone, even though family and friends offered their love and support. I felt like God left me, too, even though I knew He never would. It took time, but my hope was renewed and the open wound of grief began to heal.
Have you lost a loved one and now feel lost and alone? Do you struggle with depression and grief? Maybe it feels like you are in a different world from everyone else.
Journaling is where I poured out my heart and emotions. Eventually, that led me to write There’s Something Wrong With Ryan. As you read our story, I pray you will find the hope and healing you are looking for. I am also available to speak at small groups in the local Twin City area.